Training Details

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“ ‘Business communication’ is not a box you can check. It is a nuanced, collaborative exchange that forms the backbone of your company’s ability to innovate and perform — an exchange that takes up a significant amount of employees’ time and energy every week.”


“The State of Business Communication”

Icon of large, gold quotation marks

“Good preparation has a wealth of benefits.  It not only rewards your audience with a better presentation, it rewards you with confidence, knowing you’ve prepared well and know your material well.”

David E. Guggenheim

Public Speaking: From Competent to Captivating

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“Millions of e-mail messages every day give people the information they need to do their job, and a badly written message can do a lot of damage.  So can a badly written website.”

William Zinsser

On Writing Well

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“[J]ob applicants with … foreign accents are viewed negatively by hiring managers in the interactive services, but more positively for jobs that involve no engagement with customers.”

Andrew R. Timming

“The Effect of Foreign Accent on Employability”

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“The difference between the almost right word and the right word … is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”

Mark Twain

“The Art of Authorship”

Successful Communication Can Be Taught

Effective communication (, 2024).

We teach top professionals and companies the communication skills that create success.

Do you or your employees need training to become better public speakers?  Is unclear writing costing your company time and money?

Perhaps you are a professional wanting to refine your interviewing or sales strategies, or to reduce the prominence of a foreign accent.

If effective communication is your goal, let’s get to work.

We offer Businesses and Private Clients:

Individual training

Via teleconference.

We provide instruction in:

Sessions include 60-90 minutes of personal training plus tailored feedback, complementary materials, and supplemental activities.  Please contact us for rate information.

Woman smiling and gesturing with one hand while taking a Business Communication class from a laptop at her desk

WEBINARS & Seminars

Via teleconference or in person within the continental United States and Canada.

We provide one-day webinars and seminars on:

Webinars/seminars are fun, client-focused, and involve frequent audience participation. Rates vary by group size; please contact us for more information.

Students sitting at tables and looking up at an instructor as he leads a corporate training seminar


Via teleconference or in person within the Knoxville, Tennessee region.

We provide instruction in:

(PLEASE NOTE:  Accent Modification/Advanced Business English classes are limited to five participants and are in-person only.)

Classes last 90-120 minutes and are highly interactive.  Rates vary by group size; please contact us for more information.

Corporate speech pathology instructor demonstrating the difference between the pronunciation of the letters "v" and "w"
Gold arrow that's pointing right

For more information or to schedule a free consultation, please contact us.

Globe icon that's colored a rusty shade of red

The Right Word, Right Now Training Series™:

Corporate Training in Communication Skills

Globe icon that's colored a rusty shade of red

The Right Word, Right Now

Training Series™:

Corporate Training in

Communication Skills


A new training opportunity:

Building the Perfect Speech

Schedule your one-day Webinar or Seminar for Fall, 2024.

You or your professional employees will learn:

  • How to prepare a great speech or presentation, including ways to write for impact and to create effective graphics.
  • How to practice speaking with a strong voice, with clear pronunciation, and at an appropriate pace.
  • How to perform a speech using body language that conveys authenticity and confidence.

Participants will also learn the right way to give a handshake, how to dress appropriately for a speech, and much more.

Certificates will be provided to those who complete the training.

Reserve a training date for your business now.  Individual clients have the option of participating in one of three private Webinars to be offered on September 19th, October 22nd, and November 21st.

Contact Us today to schedule or for more information.

Guarantee of Non-Disclosure

Given the sometimes-confidential nature of our clients’ work, we guarantee absolutely that we will take the utmost care to avoid disclosure of privileged information received during professional interaction between us and our clients, our clients’ staff, or third parties with whom our clients share a commercial relationship.

For more information, please read our full Privacy Policy.